um exercício teórico-metodológico no Complexo Verde (MA/PA)



Land Use and Cover Change, Documentary, Territorial Conflicts, Images, Complexo Verde


This paper is about a theoretical-methodological exercise with data integration and epistemologies from differents knowledge fields about land use and cover change and their socio-environmental consequences in the Complexo Verde (MA/PA). The methodology consists of mobilizing qualitative and quantitative techniques to analyze data, which resulted from two types of images: satellite and film images. Thus, such techniques are based on geoprocessing of remote sensing data and film analysis. The results found provide evidence that the proposed theoretical-methodological exercise makes it possible to discuss the socio-environmental processes more complexly, that is, enabling to encompass the plurality of interactions between societies and environments from different epistemological perspectives. Furthermore, it is expected that this article will contribute to the understanding of the socio-environmental dynamics of the region


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How to Cite

ALVES, J. D. G.; WELLE, J.; SOEIRA, M. R. C.; SEIXAS, S. R. da C. THE LENSES OF THE GAZE: A THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL EXERCISE IN THE COMPLEXO VERDE (MA/PA): um exercício teórico-metodológico no Complexo Verde (MA/PA). Terra Livre, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 57, p. 96–130, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.

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