percepções territoriais e identidade étnica do povo Munduruku do Planalto em Santarém-Pará




Munduruku people, Territory, Social Cartography, Struggle


To understand the territorial, cultural perceptions and understand the territorialities that are put in tension by the expansion of the agricultural frontier in the western region of Pará. This article aims to analyze the booklet “Territorio Munduruku do Planalto Santareno”, produced in 2015 by the New Social Cartography of the Amazon Project. This territory comprises the villages of Açaizal, Amparador, Ipaupixuna and São Francisco da Cavada, located in floodplain areas on the right bank of the Amazon River and on dry land, close to the Santarém Curuá-Una Highway, PA-370. It is a research with a qualitative approach, of document analysis of the PNCSA fascicle, with support in oral history through interviews with indigenous leaders to understand the occupational process of the territory and understand the relations of disputes. It is understood that social cartography played a fundamental role in understanding the construction of territory and territorialities, especially in questions of ethnic affirmation that became a factor of resistance, remained and struggle for territory, mainly from 1990 when they began to assert themselves as indigenous people,


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Author Biographies

LARISSA DE SOUSA SILVA, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of West Pará (UFOPA) - 2016 to 2021. of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), within the scope of the Social Demand Program. Research aimed at indigenous peoples in western Pará, territory, territorialities and resistance, member of GEP Culture: Ways of Life and Amazonian Cultures,  

Laisse Andressa Nascimento dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Master's student in Geography and student in the research group Research Group Geography, Nature and Human Territorialities (GENTEH) Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR. Lato Sensu Specialization in Business Pedagogy from the Catholic University of Rondônia. Pedagogue Teacher at the Municipal Department of Education (SEMED) of Porto Velho. She has experience as a volunteer in the Volunteer Program at Hospital Santa Marcelina de Rondônia. Gave an Instruction on Acoustic Comfort and Education, then carried out hearing screening at the 5th Construction Engineering Battalion. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Education. She has experience as a school manager and coordinator of the Innovative High School Project (PROEMI). Graduated in Pedagogy - Degree in Teaching in the early years of elementary school from the Faculty of Human Sciences, Exact Sciences and Letters of Rondônia (FARO - 2007) and Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy from Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho (FIMCA - 2017). She is currently a pedagogue in the initial grades of the Municipality of Porto Velho.


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How to Cite

DE SOUSA SILVA, L.; NASCIMENTO DOS SANTOS, L. A. SOCIAL CARTOGRAPHY: TERRITORIAL PERCEPTIONS AND ETHNIC IDENTITY OF THE MUNDURUKU PEOPLE OF THE PLANALTO IN SANTARÉM-PARÁ: percepções territoriais e identidade étnica do povo Munduruku do Planalto em Santarém-Pará. Terra Livre, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 59, p. 133–164, 2023. DOI: 10.62516/terra_livre.2022.2905. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.