Desigualdades regionais e pólos de desenvolvimento

o caso nordestino e o complexo industrial Portuário de Suape




Regional Inequality, Southeast, Northeast, Development Poles


The 1930 Revolution sought to reduce Brazil's dependence on the foreign market and encourage the creation of a strong domestic market. However, the high concentration of investments in the Southeast accentuated Brazilian regional inequalities, especially in the Northeast. From 1950 onwards, this region became the focus of economic policies, incorporating the theory of Development Poles into State strategies. The Suape Industrial and Port Complex is implanted in the state of Pernambuco, whose activities start to exert great influence on the economic development of the state. Currently, it is consolidated as an important industrial center with more than 100 companies installed. The objective of this article is to investigate the specificities, causes and consequences that led the theory of development poles to be used as a strategy to alleviate the regional disparity between the Northeast and the Southeast, focusing, above all, on the Suape Industrial and Port Complex.


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Author Biographies

Lucas Chaves Miquilini, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

PhD student and Master in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography in the area of Regional and Urban Development at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and economist from the same institution. He develops studies on the Brazilian port sector, having already worked at the Port of Paranaguá in the State of Paraná in the undergraduate course and the Industrial and Port Complex of Suape in the State of Pernambuco in the Master's degree. Member of the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies (LABEUR-UFSC) since 2019, contributing with studies on port and industrial themes. He is interested in studies on Brazilian and global industrialization, port systems (genesis, evolution and functioning) and on economic development.

José Messias Bastos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC- (1980), Master's in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1996), in the Regional and Urban Development Research line, and a doctorate in Geography (Human Geography) from the University of São Paulo - USP (2002). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he teaches the subject "Fundamentals of Political Economy for Geography", at graduation, and "Organization of the world space", "Thought of Ignácio Rangel", among others, in the Postgraduate Program. Degree in Geography (PPGGEO UFSC). He has experience in the area of ​​Human Geography, with an emphasis on Economic Geography, working mainly on the following topics: industrialization, commerce, urbanization, economy, development and socio-spatial formation. He is editor-in-chief of the journal and series "Geographic Notebooks" and of the "Geographic Books" series. He coordinates the Ignácio Rangel Institute (IIR) and the Urban and Regional Studies Laboratory (Labeur-UFSC).

Edson de Morais Machado, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Doctor in Geography by the research line: Regional and Urban Development (DRU), in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He holds a Bachelor's (2013) and a Licentiate (2016) degree in Geography from UFSC and a Master's degree from PPGGeo-UFSC for the DRU Research line. He is a researcher at the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies (LABEUR / UFSC), where he carries out research related to Political Economy / Regional and Urban Planning / International Trade / Sociospatial Training. He acted as a face-to-face tutor in an extension project (2016); Scientific Initiation Scholarship (UFSC) in 2011 and 2013; Monitor of the discipline "Fundamentals of Political Economy for Geography" in 2014/02 and 2015/01. In addition to being a teacher of state and municipal basic education (elementary, high school and EJA), he was a teacher at the Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC), Campus Blumenau (SC), where he taught at the technical high school level and, at the undergraduate level, the subjects of Foundations and Methodology in Geography (LPB0942) and Research and Educational Processes (LPB0911). He taught in the Geography course at the State University of Goiás (UEG), Campus Itapuranga (GO). He is currently a professor in the Geography Course at the State University of Maringá (UEM / PR), being a CNPQ Researcher at the Junior Post-Doctoral level (PDJ - 2020-2022), with a postdoctoral internship at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGGEO UFSC) .


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How to Cite

CHAVES MIQUILINI, L.; MESSIAS BASTOS, J.; DE MORAIS MACHADO, E. Desigualdades regionais e pólos de desenvolvimento: o caso nordestino e o complexo industrial Portuário de Suape. Terra Livre, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 57, p. 615–655, 2022. DOI: 10.62516/terra_livre.2021.2306. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jan. 2025.