“The territory between the river and the forest”: contributions to field education and the teaching of geography in the riverine amazon


  • Rildo Alberto Pantoja Federal University of Amazonas https://orcid.org/0009-0005-3236-7047
  • Márcio de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4706-2930
  • Heloisa da Silva Borges Graduated in Pedagogy (FACED/UFAM), Specialist in Youth and Adult Education (FACED/UFAM), Master's in Education, in the Public Policy Line and Doctorate in Education in the Teacher Training Line, from the PPGE of FACED/UFAM. Currently Professor at the Department of Administration and Planning and the Postgraduate Program in Education, Faculty of Education, Federal University Amazonas. Coordinated several projects linked to public policies, including: Teacher Training in Agrarian Reform Areas of Roraima and Amazonas - UEA/INCRA/PRONERA agreement (2004-2009); Improvement and Specialization Course in Rural Education with an emphasis on Projovem Campo Saberes da Terra (2010 to 2013); Escola da Terra Program (2013 to date). Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Field Education Pedagogical Practices - UFAM/MEC-Secadi Agreement, partnership with SEDUC-AM and Semeds. Parfor/UFAM Institutional Coordinator. He has published several articles and books on the topics of Rural Education, Teacher Training, Public Education Policies, Youth and Adult Education and Basic Education Curriculum. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7629-7056


Riverine territory. Rural education. Teaching geography.



The article aims to analyze the different dimensions of the riverside territory, both material and immaterial, and their meaning in rural education, aiming to strengthen the identity of those who live in the countryside. For data collection, bibliographic research was used with a qualitative approach. The analysis method adopted was Dialectical Historical Materialism. The results indicate that, in the context of rural education, these territorial dimensions have a profound impact on riverside students, who face a complex dilemma when trying to integrate into the broader social context through formal education. The contribution of this text lies in the discussion on how the integration of traditional knowledge with the formal curriculum can value local experiences and knowledge. Thus, the combination of traditional knowledge with formal geography teaching enriches learning, strengthening students' connection with their environment and culture.

Keywords: Riverine territory. Rural education. Teaching geography.

Author Biographies

Rildo Alberto Pantoja, Federal University of Amazonas

Master's student in Education (Federal University of Amazonas). Postgraduate in Teaching in Geography and Pedagogical Practices - Faculdade Única (2023). Degree in Geography, Federal University of Pará (2011). Bachelor in Geography, from the Federal University of Pará (2012). Scholarship from the Amazonas State Research Support Foundation (FAPEAM), as coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Research Project in Basic Education - Notice 004/2022 (completed), Notice 002/2023 (completed). Notice 002/2024 (current) Teacher of the Geography Curricular Component at the Municipal Department of Education - SEMED, teaching in classes in the final years of Elementary School.

Márcio de Oliveira , Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD). Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) at UFAM. PhD in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Maringá (PPE/UEM). Master in Education (PPE-UEM). Pedagogue at the State University of Maringá (UEM). Deputy Head of the Department of Administration and Planning (DAPLAN) of the Faculty of Education (FACED) of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) (2019 - 2021). Coordinator of the Pedagogy Course at FACED/UFAM (2021-2023). Deputy Institutional Coordinator of the National Basic Education Teacher Training Program (PARFOR/UFAM) (2019-2024). Member of the NUDISEX study group - Center for Studies and Research in Sexual Diversity. Lines of Study and Research: Public Educational Policies; Teacher Training; Gender; Sexuality; Violence against Women; Sexual violence against children and adolescents.

Heloisa da Silva Borges, Graduated in Pedagogy (FACED/UFAM), Specialist in Youth and Adult Education (FACED/UFAM), Master's in Education, in the Public Policy Line and Doctorate in Education in the Teacher Training Line, from the PPGE of FACED/UFAM. Currently Professor at the Department of Administration and Planning and the Postgraduate Program in Education, Faculty of Education, Federal University Amazonas. Coordinated several projects linked to public policies, including: Teacher Training in Agrarian Reform Areas of Roraima and Amazonas - UEA/INCRA/PRONERA agreement (2004-2009); Improvement and Specialization Course in Rural Education with an emphasis on Projovem Campo Saberes da Terra (2010 to 2013); Escola da Terra Program (2013 to date). Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Field Education Pedagogical Practices - UFAM/MEC-Secadi Agreement, partnership with SEDUC-AM and Semeds. Parfor/UFAM Institutional Coordinator. He has published several articles and books on the topics of Rural Education, Teacher Training, Public Education Policies, Youth and Adult Education and Basic Education Curriculum.

Graduada em Pedagogia (FACED/UFAM), Especialista em Educação de Jovens e Adultos (FACED/UFAM), Mestrado em Educação, na Linha de Políticas Públicas e Doutorado em Educação na Linha de Formação de Professores, pelo PPGE da FACED/UFAM. Atualmente Professora do Departamento de Administração e Planejamento e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da Faculdade de Educação, da Universidade Federal Amazonas. Coordenou vários projetos ligados as políticas públicas entre eles: Formação de Professores em Áreas de Reforma Agrária de Roraima e Amazonas - convênio UEA/INCRA/PRONERA (2004-2009); Curso de Aperfeiçoamento e Especialização Educação do Campo com ênfase Projovem Campo Saberes da Terra (2010 a 2013); Programa Escola da Terra (2013 até hoje). Coordenadora do Curso de Especialização em Educação do Campo Práticas Pedagógicas - Convênio UFAM/MEC-Secadi, parceria com SEDUC-AM e Semeds. Coordenadora Institucional Parfor/UFAM. Possui vários artigos e livros publicados com tema em Educação do Campo, Formação de Professor, Políticas Públicas da Educação, Educação de Jovens e Adultos e Currículo do Ensino Básico.


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How to Cite

Alberto Pantoja, R., de Oliveira , M., & da Silva Borges, H. (2025). “The territory between the river and the forest”: contributions to field education and the teaching of geography in the riverine amazon. Território E Cidadania, 1(4). Retrieved from https://publicacoes.agb.org.br/territorioecidadania/article/view/3653