The Geography os Indebtedness

a rhythmanalysis of precariazation and violence



geography, indebtedness, Gender, intersectional, violence


This research frames indebtedness as a silent and systemic dimension of violence. With a focus on real estate indebtedness, it seeks to recognize the geography of real estate indebtedness, identifying the dynamics of the production of urban space that are responsible both for constituting potential territories of debt and for interfering in the speed of repossession of real estate. Methodologically, the collection of auction data allows us to identify and analyze the contexts of indebtedness and expulsion in metropolitan urbanization. The method approach allows us to use rhythm analysis to reflect on the rhythms of precarious work associated with the rhythms of debt repayment, resulting in a daily composition of intensified and extended working hours, analyzed here from the identification of rhythmic pathologies. Different legislations have extended credit to consumers, ensuring greater security for creditors and greater vulnerability for debtors. Inequalities in income and occupation, when associated with the regulation of female heads of household in housing programs, call for an intersectional analysis, since there is asymmetry in the condition of exposure to debt.

Author Biography

Flavia Elaine da Silva Martins, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Professora Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Doutorado em Geografia Humana) pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


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How to Cite

Elaine da Silva Martins, F. (2024). The Geography os Indebtedness: a rhythmanalysis of precariazation and violence. Boletim Campineiro De Geografia, 13(2), 389–407. Retrieved from



Dossier "Territory and Neoliberalism in Peripheral Socio-spatial Formations"