Child cartography in the "Dora the explorer" series
potentialities for geographical literacy
Geography, cartography, pre-school, visual spatial representation, interdisciplinarityAbstract
Cartography is the main gateway for the development of skills in reading, interpreting and analyzing geographic space. To assist Pre-School and the early years of Elementary School teachers in the process of cartographic literacy and the consequent apprehension of the geographical space, the series “Dora the Explorer” presents itself as an important reference, as it deals, among several factors, with the spatialization of spatial phenomena and the first notions of projective, topological and Euclidean relations, which is necessary for the proper elaboration and interpretation of maps. The association of these relationships with the development of artistic skills enhances the apprehension of spatialities and the appropriate use of elements of graphic semiology, which will serve as a conceptual basis for the future didactic-pedagogical interventions in cartography and geography.
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