Authors' Commitments and Responsibilities:
- There is no limit on the number of authors and co-authors. However, all listed participants must have made significant contributions to the research and manuscript preparation. The inclusion of authors must be done during the "metadata inclusion" stage of submission, and the addition of new authors will not be allowed after the article’s approval.
- For manuscripts with more than one author, the submission of an individual contribution statement is mandatory, specifying the participation of each author based on the 14 categories defined by the CRediT Taxonomy. The statement must be signed by all authors and submitted as a PDF supplementary document at the time of submission. The inclusion of new authors after manuscript submission, and especially after approval, is not permitted. The template for the individual contribution statement is available here.
- Published manuscripts must follow the guidelines established by the Commission on Integrity in Scientific Activity of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), particularly regarding the originality and integrity of the research. The responsibility for the concepts and ideas presented lies exclusively with the authors, even though the editors of the journal reserve the right to make textual adjustments and ensure compliance with publication standards.
- The use of tools to assist in manuscript preparation, writing, and translation, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), is allowed, as long as it is disclosed in the methods section or equivalent. BPG follows the guidelines in the SciELO Network’s Guide for the Use of Tools and Resources of Artificial Intelligence in Research Communication. Authorship must remain human, and authors must cite all sources used, ensuring that any AI-generated content is explicitly indicated. Additionally, all citations must be properly attributed and accompanied by verifiable references, as AI tools can generate inaccurate information or non-existent references. Failure to disclose the use of AI is considered an ethical breach and, if identified during the evaluation process, will result in manuscript rejection.
- Authors must submit only unpublished and original manuscripts (with the exception of translations and interviews), ensuring that they are not submitting the same work to another journal simultaneously, thus avoiding the practice of duplicate publication.
- Any financial support that contributed to the research must be explicitly acknowledged, and all references must be properly cited.
- All data presented must be accurate and come from legitimate sources, properly cited. Plagiarism, as well as data falsification or fabrication, is not tolerated. In this sense, it is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their manuscripts do not appropriate others' ideas, processes, results, or words without proper credit; distort the representation of results by manipulating materials, data, or research processes; or create data, records, reports, and results that do not correspond to the study’s actual outcomes.
- It is the authors' responsibility to review and revise the article as requested within a period of up to 30 days, unless exceptional cases are granted by the Editorial Committee. Authors also commit to maintaining dialogue with the editorial team and providing, when necessary, corrections or retractions in case of significant errors identified after publication. If this does not occur, the manuscript may be removed from the BPG archives, with a public notice from the Editorial Committee.
- According to the Copyright Declaration, authors retain the rights to their content but grant BPG the right of first publication. They must acknowledge the journal as the original source when redistributing or republishing the work in other formats. Authors are free to distribute their work in institutional repositories, personal websites, or other platforms, as long as proper credit is given to the original publication in BPG. This practice is encouraged as it contributes to the visibility and impact of the work.