Between phenomenon and fiction, present and future in planning

reflections on temporalities and futurities




tempo, futuro, utopia, planejamento


This text gives continuity to investigations on several themes of public planning and its characteristics and modalities, carried out in recent years, with the objective of contributing to a discussion related to the importance of perspectives of time and future adopted - implicitly or explicitly - in the processes of planning. Elsewhere, it was shown how the differentiation between planning modalities depends, to a large extent, on their perspectives in relation on time and future. Therefore, in the current work, planning itself will not be the direct object of the investigation, but different approaches to time and future of different areas of knowledge will be studied, which are expected to result in certain “impulses” or “inspirations” to seek an understanding more comprehensive. At the end of this task, we return to a first re-approach to the theme of planning. That is, this will not be a mere “incorporation” or “appropriation” of other concepts, but a reflection on time and future in a context (which is planning) where this context itself needs to be questioned.

Author Biography

Rainer Randolph, IPPUR /UFRJ

Retired Full Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Volunteer Professor at the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning and Research (IPPUR / UFRJ); permanent lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning of IPPUR.


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How to Cite

Randolph, R. (2023). Between phenomenon and fiction, present and future in planning: reflections on temporalities and futurities. Boletim Campineiro De Geografia, 13(1).


