one Assessment of environmental risks and vulnerability at Atalaia Beach, Salinópolis, Pará




Environmental risks; Coastal territory; Risk map.


Given the importance of Geography as a science for understanding landscape dynamics according to BERTRAND, considering a systemic view between society and nature, this research is presented in accordance with physical geography and reduction of disaster risks. In this context, an adapted strategy for the evaluation of risks and vulnerabilities of the systemic interaction of a landscape and an exposed population, whether native or not, in the municipality of Salinópolis, in the State of Pará. Thus, starting of quantitative data collected by the research project “Socio-environmental impacts in the area coastal Amazon: case study in Salinópolis-Pará”, from the research group “Saberes geographic areas, dialogues between teaching, research and extension”, financed by the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA), at Campus Belém, whose advisor for this project is professor Dr. Ronaldo Braga, the process of disorderly occupation of this coastal territory is evaluated, more specifically, in the Praia do Atalaia, associated with the concerns that stimulated the development of this research on discussions regarding the socio-environmental risks that occurred on site. Given that, in this research, the mapping of Praia do Atalaia is proposed, supported by the following prerogatives to be analyzed: Vulnerability, sanctioned by the socio-environmental impacts registered in the region; the different types of Risks (Physical / Ergonomic / Biological / Accidental / Chemical), referenced by an adapted methodology, using the Internal Commission's Risk Map of Accident Prevention – CIPA.

Author Biographies

Carla Braga, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará- Campus Belém

Graduating in Geography at the Federal Institute of Pará, Belém Campus, he participated under the guidance of Dr. Ronaldo Braga in a Research Project on the Impacts of Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Northeastern Pará, with an emphasis on the Atalaia region.

LINDA MARTINS, Instituto Federal de educação, ciência e tecnologia do Pará- campus Belém

Graduating in Geography at the Federal Institute of Pará, Belém Campus, he participated under the guidance of Dr. Ronaldo Braga in a Research Project on the Impacts of Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Northeastern Pará, with an emphasis on the Atalaia region.

Nayara Lobato, Instituto Federal de educação, ciência e tecnologia do Pará- campus Belém

Graduating in Geography at the Federal Institute of Pará, Belém Campus, he participated under the guidance of Dr. Ronaldo Braga in a Research Project on the Impacts of Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Northeastern Pará, with an emphasis on the Atalaia region.

Suliane Gomes, Instituto Federal de educação, ciência e tecnologia do Pará- campus Belém

Graduating in Geography at the Federal Institute of Pará, Belém Campus, he participated under the guidance of Dr. Ronaldo Braga in a Research Project on the Impacts of Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Northeastern Pará, with an emphasis on the Atalaia region.


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How to Cite

Braga, C., MARTINS, L., Lobato, N., & Gomes, S. (2024). one Assessment of environmental risks and vulnerability at Atalaia Beach, Salinópolis, Pará. Território E Cidadania, 1(3).